Entries by Kenn Richards

Uffizi halts plans to restore Leonardo’s Adoration of the Magi

We are happy to announce that Leonardo da Vinci’s Adoration of Magi will escape the the restorer’s knife and the restorer’s brush. It has to be regarded as a “”first.”” A letter to the Florentine authorities (see the other material on this website), sponsored by ArtWatch International and signed by 45 distinguished art historians from […]

ArtWatch, Post 9-11-01

To pretend that after the World Trade Center destruction – with its heavy physical and psychological damage and its vast collateral, economic, emotional and cultural losses – we can achieve anything like “business as usual” is an perilous illusion. The world, our world, has changed for New Yorkers, for Americans, and, arguably, for most people […]


Giotto and Business as Usual

The tragic events which unfolded on the 11th of September in New York and Washington are so far reaching and so momentous that it might seem superfluous to bring up issues concerning the world’s artistic heritage at this time. James Beck, Professor and President of ArtWatch. October 10, 2001 Upon reflection, it is precisely those […]

The National Gallery and Masaccio

Masaccio was the first truly Renaissance artist who, in his short lifetime of 26 years of which perhaps only five were as an independent master, managed to revolutionize Western painting. He was born in 1401 and in honor of his 600th anniversary, a few relatively modest events are being planned for his birthplace of San […]

Critique on Restoration Methods

A word on the practice of removing old restorations on paintings. One of the least defensible and intellectually questionable concepts raised in the often vitriolic debates surrounding art restoration practice over the past few decades is that of “readability.” A a vague and shifting goal, it continues to be advocated, especially by the museums and […]

At Risk: Buddhist Art in Afghanistan

Ancient statues of the Buddha in the war-torn country of Afghanistan are under threat. Reports hit the international media on Saturday that prior threats by the Taliban authorities of Afghanistan to destroy all of the statues within that nation were being summarily carried out. Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban supreme leader, first initiated the order […]

Aosta. Presentazione dei Atti, Medioevo aostano: La Pittura intorno all’anno mille in Cattedrale e in Sant’Orso.

L’esito finale di una iniziativa messa in opera più di una decina di anni fà, quando allora c’era il signor Rollandin, Presidente della Regione, René Faval, Assessore alla Cultura, il Dr. Domenico Prola e Flaminia Montanari alla Soprintendenza delle Belle Arti, si é concrettizzata oggi con questi volumi che contenono gli atti del Convegno. Prima […]